Every Party has a Pooper

We all know negative-oriented people, don’t we? You absolutely can count on such pessimistic people to espouse views that are cynical and jaded. Behind every silver lining they see the cloud. Behind every cloud, they anticipate the world’s worst storm. Things are seldom right with the world. It won’t work, people won’t like it, I can’t find work, I hate working, it’s too hot, it’s too cold, life is hard, woe is me, and on it goes.

Pessimism, from the Latin pessimus (worst), is a state of mind which negatively colors the perception of life. Value judgments may vary dramatically between individuals, even when judgments of fact are undisputed. The most common example of this phenomenon is the “Is the glass half empty or half full?” situation. We sometimes justify it by calling it “Keeping it real…….”

But we don’t often expect this negative view of life from Christians, do we?  Why are some people so determined to see the world through a glass “half empty” instead of “half full”? How difficult it is to live James 1:2-3 “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”

Psychologists call it “defensive pessimism.” This oddly downbeat view of life, they say, helps such people to cope with life’s real bumps. In a way, pessimistic people “suffer in advance,” and that is supposed to help them to minimize the impact of actual blows when they come. But isn’t that what we, as Christians, look to God for – that strength to get through any trial – “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”. Phil 4:13

So, you see, the sourpuss who ruins your day by raining on it, is doing more than “being negative” in pronouncing their low expectations. They are protecting themselves, but at your expense. Their premature pain actually protects them from experiencing greater pain later, when they might be forced to face defeat of upbeat expectations. Isn’t this in the same genre as making yourself feel better by criticizing or putting someone else down?

When we are tempted to view life from that negative, pessimistic viewpoint, let’s ask “Would Christ speak or react like this?” Is this an acceptable approach to anything for we who walk with the Lord?  God knew what struggles we would face in life and He provides ways to deal with difficulties whether trivial or serious burdens.

“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable; if anything is excellent or praiseworthy; think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:8-9

In other words, if I can’t say something good, don’t say anything! Hope springs eternal for most of us.  So don’t worry about the incurable curmudgeon, annoying though he or she may be. You cannot change them, and may actually cause more anxiety (for everyone) if you try. Focus on your own attitude. Be a beacon of positivity. Speak the word of God in love. Many will be drawn to your attractive light and the fact that your words reflect the nature of Christ.

Accept that some people process the world by seeing the dark side first. And some remain lodged in a viewpoint where every ray of light seems to exist only to create large looming shadows.

Make peace with the fact that you probably cannot change someone’s basic orientation to life, no matter how strong your own optimism and how forceful your powers of persuasion. Leave that task in God’s capable hands as difficult is that is to do. We just want to tell that person that their “glass half empty” approach to life is destroying their joy and is an obstacle to God using them as an inspiration to others!

Attitude is a choice. But it is a highly personal choice for an individual to make for him or herself, with God’s help through the power of the Holy Spirit, not allowing Satan a foothold in our minds. Remember, you are never alone in your struggles. There is a God who loves you and who wants to use these struggles to empower you and strengthen you and others through you!

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